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This workbook is designed to be the start of your very own Good Girl Revolt, to help you learn to turn inward and get to know yourself. You can't set boundaries with others if you don't know what your boundaries are! You can't ask for your needs to be met if you have no idea who you are and what you need. You can't express your feelings if you're still repressing them. These very necessary skills are exactly what we need to learn to keep ourselves safe, remove ourselves from dysfunction, and evolve emotionally. 


Perfect for Good Girls and People-Pleasers, people who feel like doormats and emotional dumping grounds, have eldest daughter syndrome, and are full of resentment, confusion, exhaustion, and just plain anger. People who know they need change and evolution, but get stuck in the confusion and overwhelm because there's so much noise about healing, but not a lot of guidance. This 76 page workbook has all the teachings and activities needed to identify your boundaries, wounds, values, and start developing a sense of self! 

Foundations of the Revolt Workbook

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